About Our Skin care specialist

Our skin atelier

The Ayana Skin Atelier is a tranquil, luxurious spa built upon creating transformative treatments that will provide lasting results over time. Conceptualized and curated in New York City, the Ayana Skin Atelier was developed through harnessing expert techniques, artistry and knowledge amongst leaders in the skin industry. Our skincare philosophy involves the exclusive use of clean products which have been extensively studied and formulated to contain concentrated, effective ingredients. The future of ones skin relies on a present dedication to it, and achieving a healthy, radiant glow requires commitment and regular attention. Inside our serene spa, a licensed esthetician will cater to your skin’s every need, providing customized facials and skincare treatments tailored to each individual. High-tech services using the latest anti-aging technologies and innovative devices will deliver beautiful, radiant skin.  

Each facial treatment includes deep cleansing, gentle exfoliation, pore extractions, and infusions of serums, vitamins, and calming masks.  We offer a signature lifting and sculpting facial massage that utilizes different techniques to promote lymphatic drainage, reduce fluid retention, improve circulation, detoxify, refine and contour the face.  From addressing congested pores to dehydrated, flaky skin, a personalized, results-oriented approach is specially designed for each client. 

 Situated within Ayana Dermatology, the practice of Dr. Cherise M. Levi, Ayana Skin Atelier has the unique ability to provide a collaborative effort between spa clients and a board-certified dermatologist, to offer the most comprehensive and cutting edge skincare solutions on the market.  

Showcase the best version of your skin.

Our Skin Care Specialist


Casey hambro

I have fallen in love with the aesthetics industry due to my own experience with skin conditions and  passion for skincare. I look at the skin with a unique eye, combining highly effective treatments and regimens to bring out your natural beauty.


My love for helping clients achieve their desired skin goals is by using the most innovative techniques. My focus is to bring customized services to each and every client. Giving the optimal spa experience to leave you looking and feeling your best.

Meet Our Talented crew

The Team

co-Founder & owner
Adir M. Levi

Adir is an entrepreneur who ran a client-focused company in New York City for over 15 years and has developed numerous platforms for improving the client experience

Office Coordinator
Caitlyn Cauwenberghs

Bio Coming soon..


Dr. Cherise Mizrahi-Levi is an industry-leading Board-Certified Dermatologist who trained and practiced for several years in the heart of New York City.


Specializing in both medical and cosmetic dermatology, Dr. Levi’s philosophy is to create and nourish the health and radiance of her patients’ skin by emphasizing rejuvenation and natural aesthetics. She fosters the link between mind and body, incorporating the role that nutrition, stress optimization, and homeostasis of all body systems plays towards attaining complete skin health. Her practice approach is a customized treatment plan for each individual to achieve the harmonious balance between restoration of overall health and glowing skin.